University of Florida Homepage


Peter Adams
Peter N. Adams
Principal Investigator

Professor, Group Lead
PostDoc. 2005-07, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, UC-San Diego
Ph.D. 2004, Univ. of California at Santa Cruz (Earth Sciences)
M.S. 1999, Penn State (Geosciences)
B.S. 1996, Penn State (Geosciences)
B.S. 1996, Penn State (Chemical Engineering)

CV Links: short-format, long-format

Current Personnel

Matheus de Assis Bose
PhD student, 2022-present

Ph.D. student as of Aug. 2022 (Geological Sciences)
M.S. 2019, Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG, Brazil (Oceanography)
B.S. 2017, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Brazil (Oceanography)

Research Project: TBD

Copeland Cromwell
PhD student, 2022-present

Ph.D. student as of Aug. 2022 (Geological Sciences)
M.S. 2021, Penn State University (Geosciences)
B.S. 2019, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (Geosciences)

Research Project: TBD

Lab Alumni

Matt Conlin
PhD student, 2017 - 2022

Ph.D. conferred Apr. 2022 (UF Geological Sciences)
B.S. Oregon State University, Earth Sciences (2017)

Dissertation Title: "Assessing coastal geomorphological evolution in response to storms through the use and development of a variety of observational techniques"
Current: Post-doc at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Han Byul “Aiden” Woo
PhD student, 2017 - 2021
Ph.D. conferred Dec. 2021 (UF Geological Sciences)
M.S. University of Florida, 2016 (UF Geological Sciences)
B.S. SUNY-Stoney Brook, Geological Sciences (2013)

Dissertation Title: "The use of Seismic Interferometry to Identify Crustal Velocity Structure and Other Applications in Environmental Geology"
Current: Post-doc at New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM

Hailey Johnson
PhD student, 2016-2020

Ph.D. conferred Dec. 2020 (UF Geological Sciences)
B.A. Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University (2015)
B.S. Computer Science, Duke University (2015)

Dissertation Title: "Reusable Geoscientific Software Design and Applications in Coastal Morphology Research and Education"
Current: Scientific Software Engineer II at Unidata (UCAR), Boulder, CO

Juan Felipe Paniagua Arroyave
PhD student, 2013-2018

Ph.D. conferred May 2018 (UF Geological Sciences)
M.S. Earth Sciences, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia (2013)
B.S. Civil Engineering, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia (2009)

Dissertation Title: “Hydrodynamic Processes Associated With the Evolution of Cape Related Shoals”
Current: Assistant Professor, EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia

Christian Provancha
MS Student, 2014-2016

M.S. conferred May 2016 (Geological Sciences)
B.S. Environmental Science, University of Florida (2014)

Thesis Title: “Linking Latitudinal Variability of Western Atlantic Wave Climate to The North Atlantic Oscillation”.
Current: Project Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York, NY

Kat Wilson
MS Student, 2013-2014

M.S. conferred Aug. 2014 (Geological Sciences)
B.S. Geology, University of Pittsburgh (2011)

Thesis Title: “Probabilistic Forecasting of Coastal Morphodynamic Storm Response at Fire Island, New York”
Current: PhD Candidate at University of Texas, Austin, TX

Pat Limber
Post-Doc, 2012-2014

Ph.D. Earth and Ocean Sciences, Duke University (2012)
M.S. Earth Science, Univ. of California at Santa Cruz (2005)
B.A. Environmental Science, SUNY-Purchase College (2002)

Post Doctoral Research Project: “Numerical Modeling of Sandy Coast Geomorphic Behavior Resulting From Wave Climate Change”
Current: Assistant Professor, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC

Shaun Kline
PhD Student, 2009-2013

Ph.D. conferred Aug. 2013 (Geological Sciences)
M.S. Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering, Univ. of Florida (2009)
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Florida (2007)

Dissertation Title: “Influence of Wave Energy Dissipation on the Geomorphic Behavior of Rocky and Sandy Coasts”
Current: Engineering Manager, Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

Jessica Lovering
PhD Student, 2009-2013

Ph.D. conferred May 2013 (Geological Sciences)
M.S. Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering, Univ. of Florida (2008)
B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Florida (2006)

Dissertation Title: “The Role of Marsh Platform Morphology in the Geomorphic Response of Tidal Inlet Systems to Sea Level Rise”
Current: Associate Water Resource Specialist, Valley Water, San Jose, CA

Katherine (Malone) Keough
MS Student, 2008-2011

M.S. conferred May 2011 (Geological Sciences)
B.A. Geology, Mount Holyoke College (2008)

Thesis Title: “Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Beach Morphodynamics at an Autonomous Tidal Inlet: Matanzas Inlet, Florida Atlantic Coast”
Current: Assistant Professor, Anne Arundel Community College, Annapolis, MD

Rich MacKenzie
(PhD Student (co-advised), 2007-2012)

Ph.D. conferred August 2012 (Geological Sciences)
M.S. Geology, Bowling Green State University (2007)
B.S. Geography, University of Michigan - Flint (2005)

Dissertation Title: “Establishing Visual Based and Datum Based Shorelines and Shoreline Uncertainties on a Sandy Coast: Cape Canaveral, Florida”
Current: Sr. Geoscientist, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Houston, TX